Our virtual training courses in Spanish allow you to gain access, at your pace, to the most complete content based on the ISO 13053 standard and by world-class companies such as DuPont, General Electric, Microsoft, John Deere, Villanova University, Open Source Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma Management Institute (Dr. Mikel Harry), among many others, with the option of Competency Certification and verifiable on our website.
The Lean Six Sigma White Belt Training Bundle features 4 hours of topical training, hands-on videos, examples, and exercises.
You can apply for the Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification from our website. You must pass one (1) single conceptual assessment, based on the standard content and provided in our thematic training videos and practical exercises.
Minimum grade to pass: 70 points out of 100 in a single exam.
The duration of the evaluation is 60 minutes, with 50 questions selected at random.
You have included in your plan 3 attempts to pass the evaluation. (surcharge applies for additional attempts, see options at Subscriptions section )
Certificate delivered with PAdES/CAdES digital signature and validated on our site.
Designed and taught by our Master Black Belts , with more than US$25 million in financial benefits
in Latin America in agriculture, finance, manufacturing, energy, manufacturing, banking, food industries, among others.
The Yellow Belt training course covers the following and other tools:
The Seven Wastes
Included in White Belt training
Configuration & Introduction
Lean Six Sigma Workshop
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
Lean and Six Sigma Definitions
History of Lean and Six Sigma
Success Stories and World Class Companies 2020
Lean Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing Work Philosophy
Lean Principles Introduction
The TPS House
Six Sigma
Six Sigma Work Philosophy
Final objective: Controlled Quality
Roles and Level of Responsibilities
DMAIC methodology (introduction)
ISO and the Maturity
ISO 9001 - Comprehensive Map
Customer orientation
Process analysis
Heart of Six Sigma
Do you need help making an important decision? Contact us today to get on the right path.
With more than 20 years and more than +10,000 certified people from Mexico to Brazil, in companies and face-to-face groups, our virtual training courses in Spanish allow you to obtain access at your pace, to the most complete content based on the ISO 13053 standard and by world-class companies such as DuPont, General Electric, Microsoft, John Deere, Villanova University, Open Source Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma Management Institute (Dr. Mikel Harry), among many others, with the option of Competency Certification and verifiable on our site Web.
The Lean Six Sigma Training Package features more than 25 hours of topical training and 5 hours of hands-on videos with Artificial Intelligence Software (requires optional subscription), R&R-Studio (completely free), Minitab® and XLStat® as statistical software (free in trial version on the page of each supplier).
Yellow Belt training is designed to start from scratch; therefore, no prior knowledge of Lean Six Sigma is required. Yellow Belt training includes 100% of the White Belt content, plus additional topics that apply to this belt level.
It is recommended to dedicate 2-4 hours a week and finish the training, practice and certification evaluations in 3 months, although by dedicating more time weekly, it can be finished in a few weeks.
You can apply for the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification from our website. You must pass the set of conceptual and practical assessments (using R&R-Studio (completely free) , Minitab® or XLStat®), based on the standard content and provided in our thematic training videos and practical exercises.
Minimum grade to pass: 70 points out of 100 in each evaluation phase.
You have 3 attempts included for each evaluation. (surcharge applies for additional attempts, see options at Subscription sector.
Certificate delivered with PAdES/CAdES digital signature and validated on our site.
Designed and taught by our Master Black Belts , with more than US$25 million in financial benefits in Latin America in agriculture, finance, manufacturing, energy, manufacturing, banking, food industries, among others.
Included in Yellow Belt training
The Yellow Belt training course covers the following and other tools:
Value creation
Continuous flow
Value Stream
Continuous Improvement
Additional TPS Principles
Pull System
7W: Seven Wastes and variants
5S: Yellow Belt
VOC Segmentation Matrix
Project Charter
Introduction to Bizagi
Introduction to
Map of Spaggethi or Transport
Detailed Mapping
Process Observation
Process SIPOC
Output Rate (Throughput)
Cycle time
DPMO and Sigma Level
Bar Graph
Box Plot
Pareto Chart
Foot Chart
Individual Point Chart
Time series
MSA Basic Attribute
Ishikawa's diagram
YB Scatter Plot
Pareto Chart
Decision matrix
Visual control
Standardized work
C-Chart, U-Chart
Visual control
Basic Interpretation (Normal Distribution)
Introduction to Control Charts
np-Chart, p-Chart
Audit Plan
Poka Yoke
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Included in Yellow Belt training
Configuration & Introduction
Lean Six Sigma Workshop
Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
Lean and Six Sigma Definitions
History of Lean and Six Sigma
Success Stories and World Class Companies 2020's
Lean Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing Work Philosophy
Lean Principles Introduction
The TPS House
Six Sigma
Six Sigma Work Philosophy
Final objective: Controlled Quality
Roles and Level of Responsibilities
DMAIC methodology (introduction)
ISO and the Maturity Model
CMMI ISACA Maturity Model
ISO 9001 - Comprehensive Map
ISO 9001 - Continuous Improvement
Customer orientation
Feasibility and Definition of Projects
Operational Definition
Constitution of LSS Projects
Process analysis
Process Identification
Heart of Six Sigma
Lean & Six Sigma Metrics
Basic Applied Statistics
Type of data
Descriptive statistics
Orientation to R&R-Studio
Orientation to Minitab®
Orientation to XLSTAT®
Graphic Diagnostic Techniques
Data Collection
Data Validation and Correction
Evaluation of the Measurement System
Analysis of the Measurement System
Process Capability
Six Sigma
Idea Management
Idea Generation
Hypothesis testing
​Graphic Analysis of Causes
Action plans
Solution proposals
Managing Proposals
Lean Tools and Philosophy
Lean Management/TPS
​Quality Tools
Control with Lean Manufacturing
SPC: Statistical Process Control
Closure and Good Practices
Project Documentation
Do you need help making an important decision? Contact us today to get on the right path.
With more than 20 years and more than +10,000 certified people from Mexico to Brazil and Spain, in companies and face-to-face groups, our virtual training courses in Spanish allow you to obtain access at your pace, to the most complete content based on the ISO 13053 standard. and by world-class companies such as DuPont, General Electric, Microsoft, John Deere, Villanova University, Open Source Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma Management Institute (Dr. Mikel Harry), among many others, with the option of Competency Certification and verifiable in our website.
DURATION: 60 HOURS OF VIDEOS (+Exercises and Example Videos)
The Lean Six Sigma training package has more than 45 hours of topical training and +15 hours of practical videos with Artificial Intelligence Software (requires optional subscription), R & R-Studio (completely free) , Minitab® and XLStat® as statistical software (free in trial version in the page of each provider).
Green Belt training is designed to start from scratch; therefore, no prior knowledge of Lean Six Sigma is required. Green Belt training includes 100% of the Yellow Belt and White Belt content, plus additional topics that correspond to this belt level.
It is recommended to dedicate 2-4 hours a week and complete the training, practice and certification evaluations in no more than 6 months, although by dedicating more time weekly, it can be finished in 2-3 months.
You can opt for the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification from our website. If you are already a Yellow Belt with us, you can opt to update your certification at a lower cost and by taking additional content. You must pass the set of conceptual and practical assessments (using Artificial Intelligence software, R&R-Studio (completely free) , Minitab® or XLStat®), based on the standard content and provided in our thematic training videos and practical exercises.
Minimum grade to pass: 70 points out of 100 in each evaluation.
You have 3 attempts for each evaluation.
Designed and taught by our Master Black Belts , with more than US$25 million in financial benefits in agriculture, finance, manufacturing, energy, manufacturing, banking, food industries, among others.
Included in Green Belt training
The Green Belt training course covers more than 60 tools, at least the following:
Value creation
Value Stream
Continuous flow
Drag System
Continuous Improvement
Additional TPS Principles
7W: Seven Wastes and variants
5S: Yellow Belt (Basic) and Green Belt (Intermediate)
Internal Interview Round
Client Evaluation (NPS, CES, CS, FCR)
Basic COPQ
VOC Segmentation Matrix
7 forms of VOCs
CTQ Tree
Project Charter
Process Observation
Process SIPOC
Detailed Mapping
Map of Spaggethi or Transport
Introduction to Bizagi
Introduction to
DPMO and Sigma Level
Output Rate (Throughput)
Cycle time
Value Added Metrics VA-NVA-BNVA
Waiting Time
RTY Metric
Return Rate (RR)
Selection Matrix
Time series
Individual Point Chart
Box Plot
Interval Chart
Bar Graph
Foot Chart
Pareto Chart
Bubble Chart
MSA Basic Attribute
MSA Continuous Intermediate
Ishikawa's diagram
Process Walkthrough (GEMBA)
affinity diagram
C&E Matrix
Pareto Chart
YB Scatter Plot
GB & BB Scatter Plot
Pearson correlation
1-t, 2-t, tt Tests
Continuous flow
Work Line Balancing
Visual control
Six Thinking Hats
Decision matrix
Cost/Benefit Matrix
Force Field Analysis
Audit Plan
Management systems
Poka Yoke
Visual control
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Introduction to Statistical Process Control
Control Limits vs Specification Limits
Basic Interpretation of Control Charts
C-Chart, U-Chart
np-Chart, p-Chart
Phase 1: Introduction and Configuration
Module 1: Configuration
About this course
GB Certification
Green Belt Content
Objectives Introduction Phase
Course Requirements (GB and BB)
Workshop vs. Course
Module 2: Introduction to lean six sigma
Who uses LSS?
5 Laws of Lean Six Sigma
Lean and Six Sigma Definition
History of Lean and Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Executive Summary
Phase 2: Fundamentals
Module 3: Lean manufacturing
Advanced 5S - Details and Tools
Lean Philosophy
The TPS House
Objectives Phase Fundamentals
Lean Principles
Module 4: Six Sigma
Six Sigma Philosophy
Controlled Quality
3 Principles of Six Sigma
DMAIC Introduction
ICOV Methodology
Roles and Level of Responsibilities
Black Belt
Yellow Belt
White Belt
Project Documentation
Module 5: Other Systems, Philosophies and Improvement Methodologies
Introduction to other systems
Shingo Model
Design Thinking
Kaizen DMAIC Events
Module 6: ISO & Maturity Model
ISO 13053 - Lean Six Sigma Introduction
ISO 13053-1 - Lean Six Sigma
ISO 13053-2 - Lean Six Sigma
ISO 9001 - Overview
ISO 9001 - What is it?
ISO 9001 - Continuous Improvement
Phase 3: Opportunity Recognition
Module 7: Processes & Projects
Objectives Phase Recognize
Projects & Processes
Module 8: Identification of opportunities
Project Identification & Features
Module 9: Components of an Improvement Initiative
LSS day by day - Life Cycle
Lean Six Sigma Success Factors
Feedback and Follow-up - Gate Reviews
Phase 4: Define
Module 10: Introduction to Define
Objectives Phase Define
Module 11: STEP 1
STEP 01 - DMAIC - ISO13053
What is VOC?
Critical Characteristics for Quality (CTQ's)
Module 12: STEP 2
Operational Definition
STEP 02 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Constitution of LSS Projects
Module 13: STEP 3
STEP 03 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Scope
Module 14: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 5: Measure
Module 15: Introduction to Measurement
Measure Phase Objectives
Module 16: STEP 4
Initial identification of processes
STEP 04 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Heart of Six Sigma: Y=f(x)
Selecting the "Y" of the project
Performance Standards
Module 17: STEP 5
STEP 05 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Possible causes
Idea Management
Classification of Ideas
Quick Wins
Module 18: STEP 6
STEP 06 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Introduction to Measurement System Analysis
Analysis of the Discrete Measurement System
Analysis of the Continuous Measurement System
Module 19: STEP 7
STEP 07 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Type of data
Data Collection Plan
Historical data vs. Harvest
Sample size (Green Belt)
Rational Subgroups
Data Validation and Correction
Module 20: STEP 8
STEP 08 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Statistical Parameters
Normal distribution
Evaluating Normality
Graphic Diagnostic Techniques
Orientation to R&R-Studio
YB Minitab Guidance
Targeting Minitab GB
YB XLSTAT Guidance
Orientation to XLSTAT GB
Module 21: STEP 9
STEP 09 - DMAIC - ISO13053
LSS Metrics
Six Sigma capability and 6 std. dev.
Capability Analysis - Sigma ST LT Level
Module 22: STEP 10
STEP 10 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Objective Validation Measure
Module 23: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 6: Analyze
Module 24: Introduction to Analyze
Introduction to Analyze
Module 25: STEP 11
STEP 11 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Hidden Operation (Hidden Factory)
Module 26: STEP 12
STEP 12 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Graphical Cause Analysis
Module 27: STEP 13
STEP 13 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Hypothesis testing
Statistic analysis
Module 28: STEP 14
STEP 14 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Introduction to DOE
Vital Causes
Module 29: Inspection Booth
Gate Review
Phase 7: Improve
Module 30: Introduction to Improvement
Objectives Phase Improve
Module 31: STEP 15
STEP 15 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Objective Process to Improve
Module 32: STEP 16
STEP 16 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Solution proposals
Managing Proposals
Lean Management/TPS
Module 33: STEP 17
STEP 17 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Pilot tests
Module 34: STEP 18
STEP 18 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Module 35: STEP 19
STEP 19 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Definitive Solution Selection
Module 36: STEP 20
STEP 20 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Implementation plan
Module 37: STEP 21
STEP 21 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Module 38: Checkpoint
Phase 8: Control
Module 39: Introduction to Control
Control Phase Objectives
Maintain Profits
Module 40: STEP 22
STEP 22 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Control Plan
SOP Standardized Procedures
Quality Tools
Read in Control
SPC: Statistical Process Control
Control Limits
Common/Special Cause
Module 41: STEP 23
STEP 23 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Documentation
Module 42: STEP 24
STEP 24 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Module 43: STEP 25
STEP 25 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Validation
Module 44: STEP 26
STEP 26 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Learned lessons
Module 45: STEP 27
STEP 27 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Integration of improvements
Module 46: STEP 28
STEP 28 - DMAIC - ISO13053
End of project
Module 47: Checkpoint
Gate Review
With more than 20 years and more than +10,000 certified people from Mexico to Brazil and Spain, in companies and face-to-face groups, our virtual training courses in Spanish allow you to obtain access at your pace, to the most complete content based on the ISO 13053 standard. and by world-class companies such as DuPont, General Electric, Microsoft, John Deere, Villanova University, Open Source Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma Management Institute (Dr. Mikel Harry), among many others, with the option of Competency Certification and verifiable in our website.
DURATION: 140 HOURS OF VIDEOS (+Exercises and Example Videos)
The Lean Six Sigma training package has more than 140 hours of topical training and practical videos with Artificial Intelligence Software (requires optional subscription), R & R-Studio (completely free) , Minitab® and XLStat® as statistical software (free in trial version on each provider's page ).
Black Belt training is designed to start from scratch; therefore, no prior knowledge of Lean Six Sigma is required. Black Belt training includes 100% of the Green Belt, Yellow Belt, and White Belt content, plus additional topics that apply to this belt level.
It is recommended to dedicate 2-4 hours per week and complete the training, practice and certification evaluations in no more than 8-11 months, although by dedicating more time per week, it can be completed in 4-6 months.
You can apply for the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification from our website. If you are already a Green Belt with us, you can opt to update your certification at a lower cost and by taking additional content. You must pass the set of conceptual and practical assessments (using R&R-Studio (completely free) , Minitab® or XLStat®), based on the standard content and provided in our thematic training videos and practical exercises.
Minimum grade to pass: 70 points out of 100 in each evaluation.
You have 3 attempts for each evaluation.
Designed and taught by our Master Black Belts , with more than US$25 million in financial benefits in agriculture, finance, manufacturing, energy, manufacturing, banking, food industries, among others.
Included in Black Belt training
The Black Belt training course covers more than 100 tools, at least the following:
Value creation
Continuous flow
Value Stream
Continuous Improvement
Additional TPS Principles
Drag System
7W: Seven Wastes and variants
5S: Yellow Belt
Basic COPQ (Green Belt)
Client Evaluation (NPS, CES, CS, FCR)
Internal Interview Round
Project Charter
CTQ Tree
affinity diagram
Ways to Capture VOCs
VOC Segmentation Matrix
Process SIPOC
Ishikawa's diagram
DPMO and Sigma Level
Bar Graph
Bubble Chart
Box Plot
Interval Chart
Pareto Chart
Pie Chart
Individual Point Chart
Introduction to Bizagi
Introduction to
Map of Spaggethi or Transport
Detailed Mapping
Selection Matrix
RTY Metric
Value Added Metrics VA-NVA-BNVA
MSA Basic Attribute
MSA Continuous Intermediate
Process Observation
Time series
Process SIPOC
Output Rate (Throughput)
Cycle time
Delivery Time (Lead Time)
RR and OTD
FMEA Analyze
YB Scatter Plot
Pareto Chart
GB BB & Pearson Scatter Plot
1 sample t test
2 sample t test
1 Sample Variance Test
2 Sample Variance Test
Paired samples t test
ANOVA (Green Belt)
Work Line Balancing
Visual control
Continuous flow
Force Field Analysis (toolbook)
C&E Matrix
Cost/Benefit Matrix (toolbook)
Decision matrix
Six Thinking Hats
Standardized work
C-Chart, U-Chart
Visual control
Basic Interpretation of Control Charts
Introduction to Statistical Process Control
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Control Limits vs Specification Limits
np-Chart, p-Chart
Audit Plan
Poka Yoke
Management systems
Porter's 5 forces
Portfolio Analysis
Hoshin Kanri
Feasibility Studies
Risk analysis
Contingency Plan
Balanced Scorecard
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Project Selection Matrix
Pareto Priority Index (PPI)
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Kano Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Failure Risk Assessment
Project Management (WBS & Gantt)
Financial Metrics: NPV, ROI, CBA, EBITDA ASQ
Project Gantt
Project Calendar
RACI Matrix
Ideas Classification: CNX
Ideas Classification: CDAM
MSA: Statistical Evaluation of Linearity and Bias
Histograms: The Likert Scale
Histograms: Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Histograms: Cell Intervals
Box-Cox transformation
Takt-Time Chart
Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE)
Main Effects Charts
Interaction Graphs
Cube Graphs
Surface Graphs
Contour Planes
DOE: Placket-Burmann
DOE: Model Resolution
DOE: Optimization
Theory of Constraint: IO-Map
Written Ideas
Pugh Matrix
Effort/Impact Matrix
Pairwise Ranking
Individual Charts
Xbar, S, R charts
Included in Black Belt training
Phase 1: Introduction and Configuration
Module 1: Configuration
About this course
Black Belt Certification
Black Belt Content
Black Belt Certification Project
Objectives Introduction Phase
Course Requirements (GB and BB)
Workshop vs. Course
Module 2: Introduction to lean six sigma
Who uses LSS?
5 Laws of Lean Six Sigma
Lean and Six Sigma Definition
History of Lean and Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Executive Summary
Phase 2: Fundamentals
Module 3: Lean manufacturing
Advanced 5S - Details and Tools
Lean Philosophy
The TPS House
Objectives Phase Fundamentals
Lean Principles
Module 4: Six Sigma
Six Sigma Philosophy
Controlled Quality
3 Principles of Six Sigma
DMAIC Introduction
ICOV Methodology
Roles and Level of Responsibilities
White Belt
Yellow Belt
Black Belt
Master Black Belt
Lean Six Sigma Management
Project Documentation
Module 5: Other Systems, Philosophies and Improvement Methodologies
Introduction to other systems
Shingo Model
Design Thinking
Kaizen DMAIC Events
Theory of Constraints (TOC)
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices
BPM: Business Process Management (BPMS & BPMN)
Module 6: ISO & Maturity Model
ISO 13053 - Lean Six Sigma Introduction
ISO 13053-1 - Lean Six Sigma
ISO 13053-2 - Lean Six Sigma
ISO 9001 - Overview
ISO 9001 - What is it?
ISO 9001 - Continuous Improvement
Phase 3: Opportunity Recognition
Module 7: Processes & Projects
Objectives Phase Recognize
Projects & Processes
Business strategy
Module 8: Identification of opportunities
Project Identification & Features
Project Filtering
Project Selection
Module 9: Components of an Improvement Initiative
LSS day by day - Life Cycle
Lean Six Sigma Success Factors
Feedback and Follow-up - Gate Reviews
Components of a Lean Six Sigma Program
Examples of Lean Six Sigma Projects
Phase 4: Define
Module 10: Introduction to Define
Objectives Phase Define
Module 11: STEP 1 - Voice of the Customer
STEP 01 - DMAIC - ISO13053
What is VOC?
Critical Characteristics for Quality (CTQ's)
Module 12: STEP 2 - Project Charter
Operational Definition
STEP 02 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Constitution of LSS Projects
Financial evaluation
Proyect Plan
Module 13: STEP 3 - High Level Process Map
STEP 03 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Scope
Module 14: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 5: Measure
Module 15: Introduction to Measurement
Measure Phase Objectives
Module 16: STEP 4 - And the Project
Initial identification of processes
STEP 04 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Heart of Six Sigma: Y=f(x)
Selecting the "Project-Y"
Performance Standards
Module 17: STEP 5 - X's of the Process
STEP 05 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Possible causes
Idea Management
Classification of Ideas
Quick Wins
Module 18: STEP 6 - Analysis of the Measurement System
STEP 06 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Introduction to Measurement System Analysis
Analysis of the Discrete Measurement System
Analysis of the Continuous Measurement System (Precision)
Linearity and Bias
Analysis of the Continuous Measurement System (Accuracy)
Module 19: STEP 7 - Data Collection
STEP 07 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Type of data
Data Collection Plan
Historical data vs. Harvest
Sample size (Green Belt)
Sample size (Black Belt: Other statistical parameters)
Rational Subgroups
Data Validation and Correction
Module 20: STEP 8 - Understanding the Process
STEP 08 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Statistical Parameters
Standard error
Coefficient of variation
Normal distribution
Evaluating Normality
Distribution Identification
Central Limit Theorem
Non-Normal Distributions:
Distribution Transformation
Graphic Diagnostic Techniques
Orientation to R&R-Studio
YB Minitab Guidance
Targeting Minitab GB
YB XLSTAT Guidance
Orientation to XLSTAT GB
Module 21: STEP 9 - Capability Analysis
STEP 09 - DMAIC - ISO13053
LSS Metrics
Six Sigma capability and 6 dev. std
Capability Analysis - Sigma ST LT Level
Capability versus Capacity
Orthogonal Capability
Capability Metrics (Cp, Pp, k)
Discrete Capability Analysis
Module 22: STEP 10 - Objective Validation
STEP 10 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Objective Validation Measure
Statistical Estimation of Improvement
Module 23: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 6: Analyze
Module 24: Introduction to Analyze
Introduction to Analyze
Module 25: STEP 11 - Process Analysis
STEP 11 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Hidden Operation (Hidden Factory)
Value Stream Mapping
VA/NVA/BNVA Analysis
Headcount Analysis
Module 26: STEP 12 - XY Graphic Analysis
STEP 12 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Graphical Cause Analysis
Module 27: STEP 13 - Statistical Analysis
STEP 13 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Hypothesis testing
Statistic analysis
Sample size for hypothesis testing
Non-Parametric Tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney)
Multivariate analysis
Simple Multiple Linear Regression
Linear Regression: Simple, Quadratic, Order “n”
Chi-Square Methods
Logistic Regression (Binary, Nominal, Ordinal)
Module 28: STEP 14 - Experimentation
STEP 14 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Introduction to DOE
Vital Causes
Design of Experiments (Advanced)
Robust Designs
Module 29: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 7: Improve
Module 30: Introduction to Improvement
Objectives Phase Improve
Module 31: STEP 15 - Objective Process to Improve
STEP 15 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Objective Process to Improve
Module 32: STEP 16 - Solution Ideas
STEP 16 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Solution proposals
Managing Proposals
Lean Management/TPS
Lean Accounting
Production Leveling (Heijunka)
Cellular Manufacturing
Autonomation (Jidoka)
Pull/Kanban Systems
Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE)
Module 33: STEP 17 - Pilot Tests
STEP 17 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Pilot tests
Simulation (Monte Carlo)
Module 34: STEP 18 - Risk Assessment
STEP 18 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Module 35: STEP 19 - Final Solution Selection
STEP 19 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Definitive Solution Selection
Nominal Group Techniques
Module 36: STEP 20 - Implementation Plan
STEP 20 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Implementation plan
RACI Matrix
LEAN Implementation Methodology
Module 37: STEP 21 - Implementation
STEP 21 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Full Scale
Module 38: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 8: Control
Module 39: Introduction to Control
Control Phase Objectives
Maintain Profits
Module 40: STEP 22 - Control Plan
STEP 22 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Control Plan
SOP Standardized Procedures
Quality Tools
Read in Control
SPC: Statistical Process Control
Control Limits
Common/Special Cause
Module 41: STEP 23 - Good Practices and Training
STEP 23 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Documentation
Module 42: STEP 24 - Implement controls
STEP 24 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Statistical processes control
Standard Deviation vs Moving Average S
Test Zones (SSMI:Zone Testings)
Advanced Control Chart Interpretation
Variable Subgroups
Module 43: STEP 25 - Solution Validation
STEP 25 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Validation
Statistical Evaluation
Module 44: STEP 26 - Lessons Learned
STEP 26 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Learned lessons
Module 45: STEP 27 - Standardization and New Projects
STEP 27 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Integration of improvements
Module 46: STEP 28 - Closing and Celebration
STEP 28 - DMAIC - ISO13053
End of project
Module 47: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 9: Introduction to Design for Six Sigma ( DFSS)
Module 48: Introduction
Introduction to DFSS
Module 49: Define
Stage Define DMADV / DCDOV
Module 50: Measure
Measure & Conceptualize Stage DMADV / DCDOV
Module 51: Analyze
DMADV Analyze Stage
Module 52: Design
Design DCDOV Stage
Module 53: Conceptualize
Conceptualize DMADV / DCDOV Stage
Module 54: Optimize
Optimize DCDOV / DMADV Stage
Module 55: Verify
With more than 20 years and more than +10,000 certified people from Mexico to Brazil and Spain, in companies and face-to-face groups, our virtual training courses in Spanish allow you to obtain access at your pace, to the most complete content based on the ISO 13053 standard. and by world-class companies such as DuPont, General Electric, Microsoft, John Deere, Villanova University, Open Source Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma Management Institute (Dr. Mikel Harry), among many others, with the option of Competency Certification and verifiable in our website.
DURATION: 25 HOURS OF VIDEOS (+Example Videos)
The Lean Six Sigma Agile training package has more than 25 hours of topical training and videos of solved examples, excluding all statistical and arithmetic content, with a full focus on practical methodology and agile and quality tools.
Agile training is designed to start from scratch; therefore, no prior knowledge of Lean Six Sigma is required. Agile training includes a complete tour of the Black Belt, Green Belt, Yellow Belt and White Belt content, excluding all the practical part and retaining only the theoretical content.
It is recommended to dedicate 2-4 hours a week and finish the training, practice and certification evaluations in no more than 0-2 months, although dedicating more time weekly, it can be finished in 2-3 weeks.
You can qualify for the Lean Six Sigma Agile certification, from our website. This course and certification is independent of the White, Yellow, Green and Black Belt certifications, recommended for those professionals who want to have a deep and extensive knowledge of Lean & Six Sigma as systems of continuous improvement, but without going into detail to analytical and numerical techniques and methods. If you already have a Variexa Black Belt certification, you can qualify for your Lean Six Sigma Agile certificate without taking any additional evaluation. If you already have the Lean Six Sigma Agile certification and want to acquire the White, Yellow, Green or Black Belt certifications, you must complete these trainings and assessments. This course and certification requires the approval of 6 theoretical evaluations:
Minimum grade to pass: 70 points out of 100 in each evaluation.
You have 3 attempts for each evaluation.
Designed and taught by our Master Black Belts , with more than US$25 million in financial benefits in agriculture, finance, manufacturing, energy, manufacturing, banking, food industries, among others.
Included in Black Belt training
The Lan Six Sigma Agile training course covers more than 100 tools, at least the following:
Value creation
Continuous flow
Value Stream
Continuous Improvement
Additional TPS Principles
Pull System
7W: Seven Wastes and variants
5S: Yellow Belt
Basic COPQ (Green Belt)
Client Evaluation (NPS, CES, CS, FCR)
Internal Interview Round
Project Charter
CTQ Tree
affinity diagram
Ways to Capture VOCs
VOC Segmentation Matrix
Process SIPOC
Ishikawa's diagram
DPMO and Sigma Level
Pareto Chart
Pie Chart
Individual Point Chart
Map of Spaggethi or Transport
Detailed Mapping
Selection Matrix
RTY Metric
Value Added Metrics VA-NVA-BNVA
Process Observation
Time series
Process SIPOC
Output Rate (Throughput)
Cycle time
Delivery Time (Lead Time)
RR and OTD
FMEA Analyze
YB Scatter Plot
Pareto Chart
Work Line Balancing
Visual control
Continuous flow
Force Field Analysis (toolbook)
C&E Matrix
Cost/Benefit Matrix (toolbook)
Decision matrix
Six Thinking Hats
Standardized work
Visual control
KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
Control Limits vs Specification Limits
Audit Plan
Poka Yoke
Management systems
Porter's 5 forces
Portfolio Analysis
Hoshin Kanri
Feasibility Studies
Risk analysis
Contingency Plan
Balanced Scorecard
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Project Selection Matrix
Pareto Priority Index (PPI)
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Kano Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis
Failure Risk Assessment
Project Management (WBS & Gantt)
Financial Metrics: NPV, ROI, CBA, EBITDA ASQ
Project Gantt
Project Calendar
RACI Matrix
Ideas Classification: CNX
Ideas Classification: CDAM
Takt-Time Chart
Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE)
Theory of Constraint: IO-Map
Written Ideas
Pugh Matrix
Effort/Impact Matrix
Pairwise Ranking
Included in Black Belt training
Phase 1: Introduction and Configuration
Module 1: Configuration
About this course
Objectives Introduction Phase
Course Requirements
Workshop vs. Course
Module 2: Introduction to lean six sigma
Who uses LSS?
5 Laws of Lean Six Sigma
Lean and Six Sigma Definition
History of Lean and Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Executive Summary
Phase 2: Fundamentals
Module 3: Lean manufacturing
Advanced 5S - Details and Tools
Lean Philosophy
The TPS House
Objectives Phase Fundamentals
Lean Principles
Module 4: Six Sigma
Six Sigma Philosophy
Controlled Quality
3 Principles of Six Sigma
DMAIC Introduction
ICOV Methodology
Roles and Level of Responsibilities
White Belt
Yellow Belt
Black Belt
Master Black Belt
Lean Six Sigma Management
Project Documentation
Module 5: Other Systems, Philosophies and Improvement Methodologies
Introduction to other systems
Shingo Model
Design Thinking
Kaizen DMAIC Events
Theory of Constraints (TOC)
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practices
BPM: Business Process Management (BPMS & BPMN)
Module 6: ISO & Maturity Model
ISO 13053 - Lean Six Sigma Introduction
ISO 13053-1 - Lean Six Sigma
ISO 13053-2 - Lean Six Sigma
ISO 9001 - Overview
ISO 9001 - What is it?
ISO 9001 - Continuous Improvement
Phase 2: Define
Module 7: Processes & Projects
Objectives Phase Recognize
Projects & Processes
Business strategy
Module 8: Identification of opportunities
Project Identification & Features
Project Filtering
Project Selection
Module 9: Components of an Improvement Initiative
LSS day by day - Life Cycle
Lean Six Sigma Success Factors
Feedback and Follow-up - Gate Reviews
Components of a Lean Six Sigma Program
Examples of Lean Six Sigma Projects
Module 10: Introduction to Define
Objectives Phase Define
Module 11: STEP 1 - Voice of the Customer
STEP 01 - DMAIC - ISO13053
What is VOC?
Critical Characteristics to Quality (CTQ's)
Module 12: STEP 2 - Project Charter
Operational Definition
STEP 02 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Constitution of LSS Projects
Financial evaluation
Proyect Plan
Module 13: STEP 3 - High Level Process Map
STEP 03 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Scope
Module 14: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 3: Measure
Module 15: Introduction to Measurement
Measure Phase Objectives
Module 16: STEP 4 - And the Project
Initial identification of processes
STEP 04 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Heart of Six Sigma: Y=f(x)
Selecting the "Project-Y"
Performance Standards
Module 17: STEP 5 - X's of the Process
STEP 05 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Possible causes
Idea Management
Classification of Ideas
Quick Wins
Module 18: STEP 6 - Analysis of the Measurement System
STEP 06 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Module 19: STEP 7 - Data Collection
STEP 07 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Type of data
Data Collection Plan
Historical data vs. Harvest
Data Validation and Correction
Module 20: STEP 8 - Understanding the Process
STEP 08 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Statistical Parameters
Module 21: STEP 9 - Capability Analysis
STEP 09 - DMAIC - ISO13053
LSS Metrics
Module 22: STEP 10 - Objective Validation
STEP 10 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Objective Validation Measure
Statistical Estimation of Improvement
Module 23: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 4: Analyze
Module 24: Introduction to Analyze
Introduction to Analyze
Module 25: STEP 11 - Process Analysis
STEP 11 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Hidden Operation (Hidden Factory)
Value Stream Mapping
VA/NVA/BNVA Analysis
Headcount Analysis
Module 26: STEP 12 - XY Graphic Analysis
STEP 12 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Graphical Cause Analysis
Module 27: STEP 13 - Statistical Analysis
STEP 13 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Module 28: STEP 14 - Experimentation
STEP 14 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Introduction to DOE
Module 29: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 5: Improve
Module 30: Introduction to Improvement
Objectives Phase Improve
Module 31: STEP 15 - Objective Process to Improve
STEP 15 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Objective Process to Improve
Module 32: STEP 16 - Solution Ideas
STEP 16 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Solution proposals
Managing Proposals
Lean Management/TPS
Lean Accounting
Production Leveling (Heijunka)
Cellular Manufacturing
Autonomation (Jidoka)
Pull/Kanban Systems
Introduction to Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Module 33: STEP 17 - Pilot Tests
STEP 17 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Pilot tests
Simulation (Monte Carlo)
Module 34: STEP 18 - Risk Assessment
STEP 18 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Module 35: STEP 19 - Final Solution Selection
STEP 19 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Definitive Solution Selection
Nominal Group Techniques
Module 36: STEP 20 - Implementation Plan
STEP 20 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Implementation plan
RACI Matrix
LEAN Implementation Methodology
Module 37: STEP 21 - Implementation
STEP 21 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Full Scale
Module 38: Checkpoint
Gate Review
Phase 6: Control
Module 39: Introduction to Control
Control Phase Objectives
Maintain Profits
Module 40: STEP 22 - Control Plan
STEP 22 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Control Plan
SOP Standardized Procedures
Quality Tools
Lean in Control
Module 41: STEP 23 - Good Practices and Training
STEP 23 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Documentation
Module 42: STEP 24 - Implement controls
STEP 24 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Module 43: STEP 25 - Solution Validation
STEP 25 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Project Validation
Module 44: STEP 26 - Lessons Learned
STEP 26 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Learned lessons
Module 45: STEP 27 - Standardization and New Projects
STEP 27 - DMAIC - ISO13053
Integration of improvements
Module 46: STEP 28 - Closing and Celebration
STEP 28 - DMAIC - ISO13053
End of project
Module 47: Checkpoint
Gate Review